Uzumlu to Fethiye - Fethiye to Uzumlu Bus time table
There is a very good local transport system in Uzumlu that runs to Fethiye on a regular basis. If you don’t have a car you can make the most of this form of cheap transport to get about. The services take about 1/2 an hour to the centre of Fethiye which will give you access to the shops, harbour (inc boat trips) and the Banks. You can also make a connection to Calis Beach, Olu Deniz, Hisaronu and many of the places of interest.
**UPDATED 01/09/2024 **
Times verified via two official sources, correct at date of above.
Times can possibly change without notice.
06:00 | |
07:15 | |
07:55 | |
07:30 | |
08:20 | |
09:00 | |
09:15 | |
10:00 | |
10:15 | |
11:00 | |
11:15 | |
11:30 | |
12:45 | |
13:00 | |
13:45 | |
14:45 | |
15:20 | |
16:20 | |
17:25 | |
17:30 | |
17:45 | |
18:35 | |
19:30 | |
19:45 | |
20:00 | |
See Map for Fethiye Bus Station |
07:15 | |
07:55 | |
08:20 | |
09:15 | |
09:30 | |
11:15 | 11:15 |
12:30 | |
13:00 | |
14:00 | |
15:00 | |
15:15 | |
16:15 | |
17:25 | |
17:30 | |
17:45 | |
19:00 | |
19:30 | |
20:00 | |
21:00 | |
See Map For Fethiye Bus Station |
06:00 | |
07:15 | |
07:55 | |
08:20 | |
09:15 | |
09:30 | |
10:15 | |
11:15 | 11:15 |
12:30 | |
12:45 | |
13:00 | |
15:00 | |
15:15 | |
16:20 | |
17:25 | |
17:30 | |
17:45 | |
18:30 | |
19:30 | |
19:45 | |
20:00 | 21:00 |
See Map For Fethiye Bus Station |
The buses from Uzumlu depart from the Village Square and official bus stops en-route.
The buses from Uzumlu terminate at the Dolmus Stop in Fethiye (Green line)
The buses from Fethiye to Uzumlu depart from the Bus Station in Fethiye (Orange line)